Introduction. The article focuses on the research into the structure of the agricultural production of Ukraine according to the categories of the producers. It has been found that rural households produce more than half of livestock products: 72.6% of milk, 87.6% of wool, 98.8% of honey and almost half of eggs.
Purpose. The aim of the research is to study the place and role of rural households in agro-food production of Ukraine, identify factors that hinder to realization of their economic potential, substantiate measures to ensure the development of the economy of rural households.
Methods. In the process of research, the following methods were used: scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, observation and comparison, empirical, rows of dynamics, averages and others.
Results. It is stated that one of the key problems of the economy of rural households is low labor productivity. It has been established that the reason of low labor productivity lies in the application of ineffective production technologies with a low level of mechanization, the use of manual labor, primitive tools and implements, absence of selection and breeding programs, low level of veterinary treatment of animals, unsatisfactory sanitary and hygienic conditions of stocking animal products.
It has been noted that nowadays rural households cannot meet the international sanitary and hygienic requirements while stocking animal products. This creates a threat to the economy of rural households and milk processing enterprises. Yet in 2018 out of 4179.2 thousand tons of milk, supplied to milk processing plants, 26% of milk was provided by rural households.
Originality. The modern structure of production of certain types of agricultural raw materials and food products by categories of producers of Ukraine is studied. The high share of rural households in the production of livestock products is indicated. One of the ways to increase production efficiency in rural households is the development of cooperation.
Conclusion. The following measures are suggested to solve the revealed problems:
- development and implementation of the government development program of livestock breeding that would be aimed at agricultural enterprises as well as household farms;
- provision of a real rather than declarative support of the development of cooperative movement;
- conducting educational outreach among the residents of rural areas.
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