


Article’s purpose. Conditions and features of the peasant farms’ development as subjects of agricultural production are analyzed. In the article is considered classification of households by signs: level of marketability and their sizes, taking into account their socio-economic nature.

Methodology. When writing articles are used: the abstract logical method -for defining the theoretical foundations of personal peasant farms’ functioning; monographic – for studying the scientists' views on the problems of development, in particular, family farms, as well as in the study of foreign experience in public policy in this area; analysis and synthesis – for assessing the results of small forms of economic production on commodity and consumer types.

Results. The current state of development of the national agrarian sector of Ukraine which is characterized by the special significance of small forms of farming in the countryside, which in the legal field, scientific and statistical literature are defined as personal peasant and farm enterprises, households, small agriculture, and households, is considered. Ensuring the development of small forms of agricultural production is an important component of the of domestic agricultural sector effective functioning. In turn, it is determined the necessity to analyze the peculiarities of the available resource potential’s usage, as well as the results of economic activity of representatives of this farmers’ group.

The practical results. According to the results of the study, the differential nature of the functioning of small forms farming in the countryside is justified. The directions’ development of various groups of households for the future are proposed. A comparative analysis of consumer goods (family farms, small agricultural enterprises), consumer-commodity (personal peasant farms) and consumer group (traditional rural households) evidences of their diversity. It is proved that the farms of the commodity group demonstrate the highest results in the sale of final products, while the farms of the consumer-commodity group more efficiently use land resources.

Prospects for further research. In further researches, it is necessary to share the role of households in transition and in a perspective model of the agrarian economy. Relative to the first, households played the role of a tangible stabilizer in the public sector crisis (additional income sources, mitigation of unemployment, etc.). Regarding the second, it is necessary to weigh the effect of many circumstances, which are now difficult to foresee. For a significant part, they include: high motivation for productive and efficient management; small size of the economy, knowledge of its market segment and its consumer, etc.




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