


Introduction. Today, the main problem is due to the increasing importance of the company brand as an important component in ensuring the competitiveness of the business entity in today's market relations. The overall mission of the company is reflected in the marketing activities during the promotion of the brand. The need to analyze the impact of external and internal environment on the company's trading activities, determine the target audience, stimulate sales of finished products and the need to improve service due to the relevance of studying and improving the company's brand, the quality of which shapes the company's future.

Purpose. Investigate approaches to the marketing activities of pharmaceutical companies, analyze the competitive advantages of successful companies, as well as develop areas for improving the marketing activities of pharmaceutical companies.

Results. The study substantiates ways to improve the marketing activities of the pharmaceutical company. The problem of marketing organization at the enterprises of Ukraine engaged in the sale of pharmaceuticals, which is due to the increasing importance of the pharmacy brand as an important component in ensuring the competitiveness of the business entity in modern market relations. The importance of marketing activities and branding of a pharmaceutical company in the domestic market is emphasized. The directions of improvement of marketing activity of the pharmaceutical enterprise in Ukraine are defined. The expediency of conducting a marketing audit is indicated. Changes in the marketing strategies of pharmaceutical companies are proposed. The parameters of changing the structure of brand audit of pharmaceutical enterprises of Ukraine in terms of quality indicators are proposed. The necessity of creating a brand of the enterprise and rebranding for successful communication of the pharmaceutical enterprise with consumers is substantiated.

Conclusion. The reason for the "satisfactory" financial performance of pharmaceutical companies - in the almost complete absence of marketing activities. The transformation of the company should begin with an analysis of the market situation, in terms of marketing activities of competitors, determining its place in the market, its format, and plans to expand the company. legend, mission and values of the brand. Assessing the level of brand management of the company can not do without auditing the system of visual identification. At the stage of developing a unified design of the brand system, the company must create or, if necessary, redesign the logo and related elements of corporate style. The presence of all the above features allows the company to transform from a brand into a full-fledged brand. The modern world, ignoring brands that think only of increasing sales and reducing costs - it belongs to brands.




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