


Introduction. Simple quantitative methods of estimating export potential are one of the simplest and most common methodological approaches, which are based on the calculation and analysis of a number of indicators. They fully allow you to evaluate exports. Undoubtedly, there are more thorough methods that allow to assess the structure of exports and to determine its specialization quite accurately.

The purpose of article is to study and improve the system efficiency assessment of export potential of agrarian enterprises which is based on the definition of the nature category of export potential taking into account the characteristics of its activities and a systematic approach to evaluating efficiency of export potential.

Results. Theoretical aspects of export potential as a category of market economy was reflected in the article. Factors formation of export potential of agricultural enterprises were improved. The need to evaluate the export potential of agricultural enterprises as a key factor in the development of the Ukrainian economy has been grounded in the article. Scientific and methodical approaches to the assessment of the export potential was considered. Indicators that characterize complex export potential at the enterprise level, a separate industry as a whole has been proposed. Methods for assessing export potential of agricultural enterprises were offered.

Originality. Methodological approaches to assessing the export potential of grain enterprises have been improved. Theoretical provisions and indicators for assessing the export potential were adapted to the realities of the practical activities of enterprises.

Conclusions. Despite the significant number of studies assessing foreign economic activity and the use of export potential, there is virtually no research in this area on enterprises in the grain industry, including seed enterprises. There are two main methodological approaches to determining the export potential of grain enterprises. The first approach is based on the use of economic and mathematical methods, and the second involves the use of the method of expert assessments. Both the first and the second approach are quite relevant. Therefore, the feasibility of using these approaches, or a combination of them depends primarily on the availability of information and a range of other factors.




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Agrofirma Kolos LLC: website. URL: (Accessed 14.11.2019).