The labour market as an institution of socialization


O.V. Truhan


Introduction. As unsatisfied current state of labour market functioning causes instable and social tensity, the necessity of socio- psychological research and analysis of labour market as an institution of socialization, as well as forming, considering the identified specific features of innovative approaches to subject of government control to the process its regulation, appear.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is making a theoretical methodological analysis of current labour market state as a social institution, and also determining and analyzing the main functions considering the specificity of domestic society.

Methods. Formal-logical method is used to determine the basic concepts, such as the concept of a system of socio-psychological researches of the social institution; monographic and comparative methods - to systematize scientific approaches to building economic security of certain types of financial institutions; method of theoretical generalization - to create a list of elements of the system of economic security of financial institutions; ordering method - to create a list of factors influencing the formation of a system of economic security of financial institutions and the principles of its construction.

It is established that the labour market is a social and organized institution that operates on the principles of compatibility, agreement and equivalence. The type and the main features of the labour market in Ukraine are defined. The level of unemployment for the period of 2004-2014 years is analyzed as a determinant of the labour market quality. Reproductive, communicative, regulative, adaptive, compatible, differential, social, hedonistic and productive functions of the labour market as a social institution is considered. The disfunctions are found and their possible causes are named.

Originality. We describe the functioning of the organization a new for Ukraine prospective structure of the labour market called "Career Center". The ideology, the goals, the objectives, the key areas of work centers is defined. The tasks in areas and ways of their implementation are concretized. The prospects for further researches in the development of concepts and measures for optimization of state influence on the functioning of the labour market as a full-fledged social institution are laid.

Conclusion. The institutional crisis of the labour market in Ukraine shows that the labour market as a social institution doesn’t perform any social order and doesn’t correspond to the features of civil society and constitutional state.It is accompanied by the decline of the state authority, the negative assessment of its activities and the regress of other social institutions such as economy and education. The recent areas of the labour market as a social institution growth are recognized in updating and creating new structures, based on the European experience, that provide an effective conduction of the functions of young socialization in Ukrainian society. Such structures must become the platforms of constant interaction between business and universities and also to have the support of the state.

The prospects for the further research are based on the development of the concepts and measures for optimizing the state's influence on the labour market functioning as an adequate social institution.




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