Main Article Content
The article considers the concepts of «image» and «professional image» and analyzes its features and components. There are considered the problems of forming the manager's image as a basis for ensuring the dynamic sustainability of enterprise development. We also highlight the ways of forming a professional image of a manager. The importance of goal setting, adequate self-assessment and evaluation analysis are demonstrated. Also, there are formulated the role and functions performed by the image of the manager in the process of organizing the organization in modern conditions. The research focuses on the problem of forming a successful managerial image in modern conditions, studying the factors influencing the formation of the correct managerial image, revealing the methods of promoting the manager's image to ensure the dynamic sustainability of a business entity, etc. The particular relevance of this study to the formation of the managers' image of most enterprises was the work in post-pandemic conditions, under martial law, when it became necessary to quickly organize the work of the enterprise in the new conditions, to ensure the safety of employees as much as possible by transferring part of the staff to remote work. The concepts of remote work, relocation of enterprises, changes in schedules and working conditions have dramatically entered business life, becoming a new reality. The article examines how modern conditions have forced top managers of Ukrainian enterprises to promptly address the pressing issue of organizing work remotely, outside the office and the usual visual observation, etc.
Article Details
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